
My Daddy's Blog About Me

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sapphire or Peridot

When Mandi & I first found out that we were going to be parents, we both got excited. Mandi really wanted a girl, and I was just happy a child of my own. As we were preparing to go on a cruise, I stopped into a jewelry store. I wanted to give Mandi something to let her know that even though we were not married, I wasn’t going anywhere. I also made her a promise that I would always be there for her and our unborn child.

Our first due date was set for September 21st. The birthstone for September is Sapphire. On a spur of the moment decision, I purchased a ring for Mandi with the birthstone of our child. This ring was to give Mandi a daily reminder of my undying commitment to be a father, and to remember that I will always be there her too.

On the cruise, in the first moments in our cabin, I surprised her with the token. Needless to say, we were both in tears before I could get all the words out, but she had a complete understanding of what was going on. It was not an engagement ring. That may come later, but it is an eternal bond that we will both share for the rest of our lives.

A few weeks ago I was sweating bullets. As Mandi had some early signs that she might go into labor, she reminded me that she might need a new ring. I would have to purchase a new Peridot ring instead of the sapphire!! As today marks the last day of the month, I may be off the hook…. So I only have to buy one more ring with a princess cut…..

The flip side to the Peridot or Sapphire debate lies in our wonderful education system. The cut off for kindergarten is today. Unless Kaia comes today, we will have to push her back a year before she can start school as a 4yr old turning 5. I know this is getting ahead, but planning is planning. My father always taught to “Plan your Work and Work your Plan”. The other question is not gem stone she will be having, it is will she be attending school in 2015 or 2016?? I guess we will find out today??

It appears Kaia is taking after me and doing things on her own time… A real chip of the block!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Kissing Cousins

When I was growing up, I had tons of "Aunts & Uncles".  I didnt quite understand the difference between a real aunt and a family friend.  As I grew older I realize that my dad only had one sister and my moms family was all in Jamaica...  Aunty Pearl was just the person who sponsored my mom in the country.  Uncle Poppa was really my dads nephew... but they were so close they were more like brothers...  Yes the list is very long.  

Kaia's list will be much longer.  Not only do I come from a huge family as the youngest of 16 kids... but my list of close friends almost doubles that number.  So Kaia real uncle Sean, will be rivaled with "uncle" Leonard.  Aunty Althea, will be rivaled with Aunt Autumn... Yes the list goes on.  From Uncle Chris & Candi in Kansas, to Aunt Maybelline and Chris in Phoenix.  Across the ocean to Aunty Stephie in Germany..  Kaia will have a hard time understanding how we can related to so many poeple.  I have been blessed with so many friends on top of an amazing family.

At school in Kansas I got introduced to the concept of "kissing cousins"  I had no idea what it really meant but my friend Chris introduced me to the concept.  Pretty Novel actually when you consider my group of friends that have recently had children.

Two of my best friends imaginalble have just had children in the past month.  Kaia has already been promised her hand in marriage to Lawson ... My future son-in-law!!  I have known Jason since i was four years old.  Who would think that we would have kids less than 60 days apart!!  Randy just had twin daughters!!  Woohoo... shotguns for both of us!!  They will probably less than a week or two apart.  Little Stella and Harper will have some serious play dates with Kaia.  The amazing thing about Randy and I is that we have gone through so much together.  Having children will only strenghten our bound as brothers from another mother!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Name Game

 Who knew a name could be the catalyst for faith?
Mandi and I we went back and forth about names.  Even before we knew if it was going to be a boy or a girl, Mandi was insistent on having a name for the person growing in her body.  I was a little more laissez-faire about things but did want start the process of naming our child.  Needless to say the battle was waged and I learned very early in this pregnancy that arguing with a pregnant woman was not a good idea. 
So, back and forth we went.  We had actually already agreed on a name for a boy.  I have always felt it is right to honor the important men in your life.  My late father was a great man.  A man I sincerely aspire to be.  It is not often that your personal hero can be the one who gives you life.  I love my dad and could think of no better way to honor him than by naming my first child Emmanuel.  Mandi too shares the same feelings for her father.  He is also a great man and a person I admire.  It was settled quick and easily that if it were to be a boy, Emmanuel Michael King would be his name.
God has a sense of humor.  Mankind makes plans…. and God laughs….  This is true.  With our feet firmly on the ground for a boys name, it put more pressure on us to secure a name for the fairer sex.  As the online websites were raided for names, we needed to set some ground rules and guidelines. 
1.    We wanted something unique and original.
2.    We wanted a name that had meaning.  I stressed that a name can tell so much about a person.  I was very adamant that with no value to the name, our child would never know how much thought and appreciation was given to her even before she took her first breath.
With the guidelines set, the name search became a heavily debated items for days and weeks leading up to our first ultrasound.   
My last name is King.  I have always coveted this name as it is apart of a legacy forged in excellence.  I am very proud to pass on this heritage to my child.  As a male, the name King would live through him for another generation to come, but with a female, our family namesake might end with her.  I knew that if I could find a first name translation of the word “King” for a female, I would be able to accomplish this and also find something unique.
Round 1 of our verbal spar was over the name Kilea vs. Kaleah vs. Kyliegh vs. Kayleah.  These names sounded similar but had different meanings, none of which provided comfort to either of us.  We went back and forth on many different variations on these names.  Unfortunately, we both went to sleep frustrated.  (Again I must reiterate, it is never a good idea to argue with a pregnant woman)
Back at the grind and we could not come up with a name that worked for us.  I would love to tell you that all of our conversations were peaceful, but they weren’t.  In our three plus years, the one thing that Mandi and I have agreed on is our own stubbornness.  We held our ground and stood firm on the names we cherished. 

During one of our pre marital classes, it talked about the abundance of Gods grace.  This struck a chord in both of our hearts as we new that this child would be welcomed into this world only by God’s grace to us.  Though our sins have been forgiven, we did not deserve such a wonderful gift, yet God has given us the ability to parent a new life into his flock.  Through God’s blessing, we agreed that the child would have the name of Grace as a middle name.  This was a not contested.
Once we had decided on a middle name, choosing a first name became a breeze.  We wanted something to predicate the name “Grace”, while offering meaning and uniqueness on its own.  “Kaia”
When the words rolled off Mandi’s lips it instantly opened my heart.  It was one of those moments that freeze you and you know that something special just happened.  The discussions, arguments, and endless text messages were over.  The meaning of the word “Kaia” is Latin for “Pure”.  The word “Pure” has tremendous depth and offers a great meaning on its own.  Coupled with God’s “Grace” and her name now has a sense of truth that could only be described as divine.  Pure Grace is what was given to us.   We had a name that not only had meaning, but also had a purpose for life.
With all respect to our fathers, I went into our first ultrasound hoping for a girl.  The name Kaia Grace had so much meaning to me that I truly wanted a girl just for her name sake alone.  As the ultra sound technician pointed out three white lines, Kaia Grace King came into fruition.      
 As we left our appointment we both knew that something and more importantly someone special was going to bless our lives.  Kaia Grace King will be a name that I will speak millions of times in my life. With every time her name was said, it will be a reminder of God’s eternal blessings.


Wednesday, Jan 20th, 2010 6:25pm
As I walked into the bowling ally, I heard my favorite song from Anthony David.  "Words", A familiar ring tone from my lovely girlfriend.  I answered the phone to with a hop in my step.  A couple days away from my first cruise and life was grand.

The tears on the other side of the phone troubled me.  At first I thought it was her father, who had recently had surgery on his ailing back, but a while new world awaited the other end of this call.
"Is everything ok?", I asked.
"Yes...... I need you here" she says.
"Babes... is everything ok....is your dad ok" I replied.
" Yes... I just need you here, now", she muddled out mixed with sniffles and tears.
"Are you pregnant....." I asked.  Silence.  "Babes....Are you pregnant", I inquired.
"Yes.... I just need you here"

Needless to say my night of bowling ended abruptly and I was on the 417 headed north to Deltona.  How... Why.... OMG..... I'm going to be a daddy!!  These are a list of  thoughts that came into my mind on the way.   Gathering my composure, I relented and accepted this gift from above.

As I arrived Mandi waited with tears in her eyes.  Anxious and nervous, she eagerly awaited my arrival as though we had been separated by thousands of miles.  The short journey only took 30 minutes, but this was a car ride I will always remember.  We embraced, and cried, and smiled, and cried, and paced, and cried.... a lot of tears... all of joy

Fast forward to present day.  I look over and see one of the most beautiful women I have ever met carrying our child.  We wait... sometimes patiently and sometimes not.  Stubbornly our little girl is in her 38th week of development.  Still curled up in a amniotic sac, protected by her mother's loving care.  Her appearance is greatly anticipated and will be welcomed by friends and family all over the world.  The name of Kaia Grace King will uttered in many mouths and foreign tongues.  With such herald and anticipation....we wait. 

Patients is a virtue, but it can be a never ending curse as well.  In Savannah GA they have a statue of a woman who waved home sailors... hoping and waiting for her true love to return.  I too am waving a flag waiting for my little angel to arrive.  Many months have passed since that life changing call. yet still, my passion and desire to welcome home this gift from God has only grown into a fanatical obsession.  How long must I wait on this shore?  Yes patients is a virtue, one I have not mastered.